He was born on 29/8/1954 in Athens. He studied at the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and specialized in Neurosurgery at the Venizelio Hospital of Crete, the “St. Sofia” Children’s Hospital and the Hellenic Anticancer Institute.

He participated in the development of the first experimental neurophysiological laboratory of AUTH (1981) under the direction of Professor Mr. Logotheti and participated in the STRIDE HELLAS (91- 93) research program as a representative of the Anticancer Institute.

He has participated at Greek and international conferences and seminars on microneurosurgery, clinical radiology, oncology, biostatic and laser applications in medicine.

He is an expert in surgical replacement of spine conditions and he is the first in Greece who implemented percutaneous discectomy using laser, in 1994, for the treatment of herniated intervertebral disc.

To this day, he has performed more than 2000 discectomies using laser with an absolute success rate of more than 90%. Globally, his experience is one of the greatest.

He is a member of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society, the Hellenic Anticancer Society, a founding member of the Society for Emergency Medicine and Disaster Medicine, an Elected member of the Scientific Committee of the Cancer Institute, Chairman of the IT Committee and Head of the LMEDICA Neurosurgical Department.